Jawbone OHV Open Riding Area

From cross-country play to advanced technical routes, the Jawbone Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Area offers over 7,000 acres of open-use public land for you to enjoy. Jawbone is also a great starting point to begin to explore the hundreds of miles of trail riding opportunities available in this region and outside of the OHV Open Area.

The entire OHV area and surrounding public lands are open to primitive camping. Within Jawbone Canyon itself, there are a number of excellent primitive camping sites and OHV staging/off-loading areas. Most of the sites within the OHV area are accessible by 2-wheel drive vehicles with trailers.

Outside of the OHV area and within the Jawbone-Butterbredt Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC), motorized vehicle use is restricted to a specific designated road and trail network. All cross-country travel is prohibited in these areas, and the designated routes are marked with brown trail markers. You may only use the designated route network–all other trails are closed–even if you do not see a red closed sign.

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Samoa Dunes Open Area

Samoa Dunes Open Area Facilities include an unloading ramp, restroom, tables, cooking grills and a scenic overlook. From the staging area, riders have easy access

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