Many of the Project's OHV routes are already on my GPS. Why do I need the OwlsheadGPS Project?

The back country road network shown on the base map that came with your GPS device likely comes from government databases that have long been out of date and are wrought with potentially fatal errors. Many of the roads shown do exist, but some do not; and some are legal to travel, while others are not.

With so much at stake, it is important that back country OHV users know the designated network of open routes.

That is why the OwlsheadGPS Project is designed to provide you with official agency OHV route data in a format and method that is usable to you — the outdoor enthusiast. When you navigate the backcountry dirt roads and trails using a motor vehicle, you must drive routes that are designated open for motorized use.

Because this Project provides all of the area’s designated motorized routes from the these participating agencies, you will find it easier and safer to reach more destinations, and easier to stay on the legal, designated roads and trails.

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